Late Love Poem (Free Download)

Primary Author: 
Richard Outram
Late Love Poem

Richard Outram’s love for his wife Barbara Howard was the stuff of legend. Outram was also known as a ‘poet’s poet’ whose command of the English language as well as the intricacies of verse metrics could be daunting, if not impenetrable (to some, more than others). Outram had his acolytes, as well as his detractors. In this case we see the poet at play with trite colloquialisms ... ‘Here we are’, ‘there you go’, ‘this is it’, ‘Just as well’, ‘that is that’ and, finally, ‘what the Hell’. Perhaps the most challenging reference in the poem could be to the Latin QED (quod erat demonstrandum) which can be used as a synonym for ‘that is that’ or it can also be used in the somewhat edgier sense of ‘Up yours’.

‘Late Love Poem’ first appeared in Dove Legend (Porcupine's Quill, 2001) and was later reprinted in The Essential Richard Outram (Porcupine's Quill, 2011) selected by Amanda Jernigan.

The broadside, as it appears here set in Junius, was created for Valentine’s Day in 2016.

This broadside is presented as a high-resolution, print-quality PDF (at 600 dpi). It was created with the notion that it could be downloaded by interested parties and printed locally, in colour, on high-end digital printers. It might be framed individually and hung on a wall or (hopefully) printed in small runs for distribution as class sets, to facilitate not only the close reading of a specific poet's text but also a related discussion that might lead to an appreciation of the presentation of that text on paper.

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