The Porcupine's Quill is an artisanal book publisher that values the art and craft of the book, both in content and in form. Its mandate is to preserve the culture of the printed word with practiced use of 20th-century offset printing technology to simulate the quality look, and feel, of a 19th-century letterpress product. To some extent, this even applies to e-books.
The company is one of very few presses in the country that produce popularly-priced offset trade replicas of artists' hand-printed limited editions. The programme also specializes in Canadian art and design, book history, memoirs and selectively acquired collections of poetry and fiction from edgy new authors as well as pillars of the canon who might otherwise slip quietly into oblivion.
Many of the writers who choose to publish with us have said they were attracted, initially, by the ethos of the company which pays homage to the written word by virtue of the dignity of the production, most of which is completed at the shop on the Main Street of Erin Village.
This site features a selection of new eBooks available for purchase. All are available in Adobe PDF format to preserve something of the integrity of the original printed book's design, typography, and images. This is of particular importance with poetry titles where the layout is often as important as the words themselves. The PDF format is primarily intented for tablets, or PCs, though we have heard from customers who have had success with their Kindles as well. The PDF format is not intended for KOBO devices.
To purchase a downloadable eBook, use the My Account (Login) tab in the main menu to create a new account or log in to your existing account. For more help on creating a new account or purchasing an eBook, visit the Help page.